It’s A Long Way To The Top, Only To Figure Out You Don’t Want To Be There…



Somewhere along the way, you got so caught up in having to achieve that you entirely lost sight of what it is you actually want.

Why have you been working so hard? Do you even know?

You feel like you’re far from reaching your full potential.

And at the same time, you’re not even sure what that looks like anymore.

The problem is you’ve come way too far to turn back now, so you’ve pushed all other options to the untouched corners of your mind.



But what if you thought about it this way…

Has your favourite dress from your twenties remained on rotation into your thirties, forties and fifties?

I don’t know about you, but my style has definitely improved since then! Goodbye crop tops.


We change, we grow, we evolve.

That's quite literally the history of human life.

The planet we’re on is constantly shifting, so it makes sense that our needs and wants do too.

Learning to shift our ikigai (as in purpose of being) throughout our lives is not as terrifying and risky as it seems. The secret is in refocusing your strengths, repurposing your skills and pivoting where necessary.


When you reassess your passions, strengths and values, and find that sweet spot in the middle, it’s magic.



Leaving the safety of what you’ve been doing until now doesn’t have to mean any of your talents or achievements go to waste. In fact, it’s quite the opposite!


My 1:1 coaching

Is all about combining your skills with the things you love and building a career & life that leaves you fulfilled and happy, so you’re excited to get out of bed in the morning and feel genuinely satisfied with your achievements when you come home every night.

Clients work with me 1:2:1 for many reasons: to find their Purpose and passions again; return to work after maternity; to pivot or shift roles in their careers, or find their new & more fulfilling path after redundancy, among many others!


Whether it’s a giant leap or just a small shift, I can help you work out how to make meaningful change without compromising all the hard work that got you this far.



Revive and Redefine:

Your Permission Slip To Change

Delivered over three months, my signature coaching program ‘Revive and Redefine’ is specifically designed to help you find your ikigai (aka your ‘Purpose’) and shift your unique skills and attributes accordingly.

 It’s about redefining your value and what success you want... on your terms!



What you get:

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6 x coaching sessions 1:1 (or group) coaching with me.


Top-up 15-minute boost calls for extra support and accountability when you need it the most. (maximum of 3).


6 x modules to work through, each with their own workbooks to complete.


COMING SOON: Exclusive access to my Facebook support group. It’s like AA for perfectionists and ikigai seekers, a welcoming space to seek advice and support, share wins, and stay motivated after the programme is over.



How it works:

All coaching sessions and calls are delivered via Zoom and all handouts via digital download, making it flexible and convenient for your busy executive lifestyle.

Every two weeks, we’ll work through an eye-opening new module, as follows:

+ Module 1: Explore

We start by getting clear on your strengths, values and core beliefs to find your ultimate why and purpose of being.

+ Module 2: Deserve

Next, we work on your mindset. From building confidence to becoming aware of day-to-day thought habits that hold us back. Learning to reframe our thoughts and habits is the first step towards taking positive action.

+ Module 3: Discover

In this module, we’ll look more closely at the Ikigai Venn diagram and work through a checklist of questions. Having found the sweet spot, we’ll use what we’ve learnt in Modules 1 and 2 to discover your options and make informed choices.

+ Module 4: Prioritise

Let’s look at your goals - both career and personal - and make a plan for your future for the next 1, 3 and 5 years. From here, we can figure out where to best prioritise your focus.

+ Module 5: Take Action

Let’s turn your goals into reality by creating an action plan that truly works for you, with built-in accountability to keep you on track.

+ Module 6: Review

To finish up, we’ll review all you've learnt and achieved. And celebrate it! We’ll also ensure you’re successfully creating life-long review habits to keep momentum and accountability even when you no longer have one-on-one coaching.


Sign up for Revive and Redefine today and in three months you’ll be saying goodbye to that annoying nagging feeling and on your way to finding your groove down this new path of happiness.



Your investment is from £1,250 + Vat for an 8 week NEW R&R group programme

Or from £3,000 + Vat for a bespoke one-to-one R&R experience (12 weeks).

Payment plans up to three instalments are also available.

Other 1:2:1 Executive coaching available - 6 week programme from £1,500 + Vat or one off ‘Breakthrough’ session packages from £495 + Vat.

Take note, I call this an investment for a reason. Beyoncé didn’t get where she is today by putting herself last.

You shouldn’t either.





And learning to shift your life accordingly will not only help you now but throughout the rest of your life.

That’s something worth investing (hopefully a no brainer). Your investment will boomerang back to you in so many ways far beyond just the monetary value; and impact you for the rest of your life.


The rest of your life.


Getting unstuck is not as impossible as it seems, with the right strategy, tools, support and accountability, it’s not only exciting but also achievable.


Success looks different to everybody, let’s figure out what it looks like for you.



Shift Your Ikigai.

 Revive And Redefine Your Career.

Say Hello To Happiness And Fulfilment.
